Mitch Pothen

Chief Technology Officer

Prior to joining beBright as Chief Technology Officer, Mitch held senior leadership positions at several prominent firms, across multiple industries such as medical device, consumer packaged goods, and finance. He has successfully led numerous high-impact initiatives around Analytics and Information Security, with multiple enterprise-wide implementations. His open-minded approach and commitment to quality have earned him recognition as a leader in the tech community. Mitch holds a master’s degree in software systems from the University of St Thomas. He is an advocate for the application of technology that benefits the greater good, and in fostering a lifelong commitment to learning.

Getting to Know You

If you had a free day to do anything, how would you spend it?

I would start the day with a workout, either strength training or yoga. This is a great way to start the day off on a positive note (also, coffee). The rest of the day would be filled by spending time with my wife and kids, doing something fun. We’re always up for hiking a local trail or seeing a movie in a theater. I would likely finish my day reading a book.

Why do you love your job?

I love working in technology because it has become the nerve center of our world, and so many things depend on it. Most everything we do now involves technology, so I get to see how helpful it can be when it’s applied in a thoughtful way. Technology can improve our lives at work, at home, and everywhere else. Solving a problem or helping someone improve a process by adding technology is very rewarding for me.

Characteristic you admire in people?  

Integrity is what I admire the most in others. Being honest and truthful to one’s principles (whatever they may be) creates trust and understanding between each other, improving relationships and outcomes.

What is one of your actual superpowers?  

I try to look at things in a balanced, respectful way, taking everyone’s perspective into account. If we can do this more often, we’ll understand each other better and quite possibly build a better world.

What are some of your hobbies? 

Strength training, reading, cinema, art (paint and pencil mainly), golf, and more recently, yoga.

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